Quantum Integrative Medicine is a wellness collaboration between Julia Torres, M.D., Consuelo Moreno, Ph.D., LCSW, and Linda Carrington, A.P. The center (formerly Quantum Therapeutics) was adapted to provide alternative/complementary options for a healthy lifestyle by using cutting edge scientific approaches to guide the therapeutic use of CAM healing methods. Our intention is to combine Eastern and Western medicines as we offer complementary treatment. We support pharmaceutical medical treatments in the case of extreme illness as well as offering true preventative medicine.

Our vision is to help people to not just survive but thrive by addressing their underlying physical and mental health imbalances through the application of natural healing techniques. Our goal is for our clients to awaken their potential, recover their health and discover a new perspective on life.Our philosophy is guided by the following principles:

  • The client is the central focus of the healing process

  • Only by determining and correcting the underlying root cause(s) of imbalance can healing occur

  • Acute attention to personal history reveals the origin and trajectory of both illness and health

  • The greatest power to heal resides within each individual

  • Each person is a unique physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being

  • Each aspect of a person – body, mind and spirit – must be appropriately addressed for life-long healing and rejuvenation

  • The client is responsible for their choices; we support, the client does the work.

  • Prevention of illness and vibrant health is the ultimate goal

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect the dots looking backward. So you have to trust that somehow the dots will connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down and it has made all the difference in my life.”
— Steve Jobs